On Certain Points in Connection with Malarial Fevers in India
will suggest itself to you that such a comprehensive subject as Indian fevers could be touched on only in the slightest and most superficial manner, in the brief space accorded me. Instead, therefore, of endeavouring to wander discursively through the wide domain of Indian fevers generally, I shall attempt to limit my remarks to some few, select, points in the history of what is par excellence understood as " fever" in India, viz., malarial, or, as it is sometimes termed, climatic fever. I shall further endeavour to emphasise some of the difficulties in the way of diagnosis of certain other diseases in India?difficulties introduced by the peculiar impress of periodicity which the malarial poison confers on other affec-
منابع مشابه
Preliminary Note on a New Method of Treating Malarial Fevers
more leisure, and with access to better material and instruments, than the writer can at present avail himself of. As apology for its incompleteness, I can only plead the stress and strain of active service, coupled with separation from the records of all experiments made in connection with the subject. It is hoped that on the return of the China Field Force to India that opportunity will be af...
متن کاملThe Relation of Variations in the Level of the Ground-Water to the Incidence and Seasonal Distribution of Malarial Fevers in India
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Summaries of Addresses in in Obstetrics, Surgery and Ophthalmology and Military Medicine and Surgery
Surgeon-Major Dimmock gave an introductory address on the subject of forms of puerperal fevers in India. The introductory part of the address dealt with the importance of the work of the Countess of Dufferin Fund which was paving the way to a better knowledge of the science of midwifery and the diseases of women and children in India, in which there had not been so much advance as in general me...
متن کاملHæmaturia or "Blackwater" Fever in India
that in some parts of India cases occur, I shall be much obliged if you will insert tho following: series of questions in an yearly issue : 1. Has it been noticed in your district for long and, if so, does it occur at any particular seasons ? 2. What relation does its incidence bear to the common malarial fevers ? Do these present any unusual symptoms or exhibit any increase in virulence at the...
متن کاملMalaria in India
means of obtaining diagnostic evidence of malarial infection, viz.?{a) detection of the malarial parasites; (&) detection^ of malarial pigment in the leucoc^ tes , (c) detection of change in the proportion of the large mononuclear leucocytes; the last two methods are of special value where the administration of quinine has driven the parasites from the peripheral circulation ; this subject Capt...
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